SuperEmotes FAQs
Q: How can I get emotes for my Youtube Channel?
A: To get emotes for your channel you will need to sign up for our service with your Youtube account. Once you sign up you will 51 free slots available for use.
Q: How does the emote slots system work?
A: Emote slots is the term we use to refer to any emotes associated with your account. However, specifically, there are 3 types of emote slots. They're Uploaded Emotes, Shared Emotes, Personal Emotes.
- Uploaded Emotes: These are emotes that manually upload yourself and need to be approved. You can read our to see what is acceptable to upload to our service. Anyone who visits your Youtube Channel live chat or comments will be able to view these emotes.
- Shared Emotes: These are emotes that you add to your channel from our existing repository of emotes. You cannot use these slots for uploading. Anyone who visits your Youtube Channel live chat or comments will be able to view these emotes.
- Personal Emotes: These are emotes that can only be used by yourself, however they can be viewed by anyone wherever you type it. So if you comment on a video with your emote it will be visible everyone. You cannot use these slots for uploading.

Q: How long will emote approval take?
A: Emote approval time is variable since it will be manual. It could be immediate or take several hours.
Q: How can I get more emotes?
A: Subscribe to Super Emotes Plus today to unlock new features and obtain access to more emotes slots.
Instant SuperEmotes Plus Benefits:
These benefits will be immediately available after you subscribe.
- 50 Uploaded Emotes
- 50 Shared emotes
- 10 Personal emotes
- Priority Emote Approval
Loyal SuperEmotes Plus Benefits:
For each month that you subscribe, you earn more emote slots.
- +2 uploaded emotes (up to 100 max)
- +2 shared emotes (up to 100 max)
- +2 personal emotes (up to 20 max)
- And more coming soon.
Q: How do I report an inappropriate or stolen emote?
A: If you know the name of the emote you want to report you can go to the discover page on our website and search for the emote. Click on the emote once you find it. On the bottom right of the emotes page you can find the "Report Emote" button. Fill in the report prompt and we will try to take action as soon as possible.

Q: What information do you use from the Google/Youtube account?
A: We take privacy very seriously so the only information we keep is your Youtube Channel ID Our plugin also doesn't track any information about you while using it.
Q: How can I request a feature or report a bug?
A: We are open to feature requests and excited to hear input. Also, we want to squash any bugs to make sure everyone has the best experience possible. So contact us at our email or send us a message on our discord server.
Q: How can I unlink my accounts?
A: You can unlink any of your social account links from the profile page. However you need at least one social link to your account for authentication purposes. If you want to totally delete your account contact us at our email